
A Message From the Executive Director

Thank you for your interest in The Brighton School. We are “Teaching Students the Way They Learn!” The Brighton School is a growing, dynamic learning community. Our classrooms are buzzing with active educational opportunities led by experienced and dedicated teachers. Our daily reading therapies allow each student to grow and develop their skills throughout all grade levels. Hands-on, multi-sensory techniques are incorporated into every aspect of daily instruction, which allows us to create a powerful learning experience unlike any other learning environment and classroom. The Brighton School is truly a special place.

The mission of Brighton is to prepare students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences to succeed and our vision is that we seek to provide the most effective, evidence-based educational environment in our region for students with dyslexia and related language-based learning differences. This mission and vision are shared by parents, board of directors, teachers, and staff alike. It is our hope to assist children in becoming responsible, resourceful, and respectful with the ability to advocate for themselves.

As Executive Director, my role as the school's leader and my goals for the school are many. The most important, however, is to provide a safe, nurturing learning environment filled with opportunities for each student to meet their unique potential, be challenged and learn according to their own style and method. Every child has a gift, and it is our responsibility to find ways to make those gifts come to fruition. We want each student to understand their strengths, to acknowledge their weaknesses and to know what it takes to succeed each day.

We have seen the fruits of our work in the amazing results of our graduates and former students, as they step into the next chapter of their lives as self-assured, successful students. We encourage you to visit our website, to learn even more about our wonderful school. I invite you to call and set up a time to tour our school and see everything that Brighton has to offer.

Kenneth Henderson
Executive Director