Support Brighton

Annual Fund

Be a part of the Brighton Difference

The Brighton School relies on the generosity of its community who give to the Brighton Annual Fund. Not only does the Annual Fund help us bridge the gap between tuition dollars and the actual costs of school operations, it accomplishes so much more.

Like most independent schools, The Brighton School relies on gifts to the Annual Fund to keep the school running smoothly.  Annual Fund gifts are automatically directed to the areas of greatest need at the school from year to year.  Contributions support all areas of our school from academics, athletics, financial aid, to campus improvements.

Your Participation Matters in Brighton's Annual Fund Campaign

  • We appreciate contributions of all sizes: EVERY gift matters!
  • Anyone can give to The Brighton School: parents, alumni, grandparents, current students, faculty, staff, friends, and YOU.
  • Recurring gifts have less impact for you, and a great impact for the school. You can see the impact below.
50 donors at $100 per month = $60,000
100 donors at $50 per month = $60,000
100 donors at $25 per month = $30,000
The total would be $150,000 per year!

Monthly Giving
Monthly gifts of any size help children at Brighton. It’s easy to set up automatic donations from your checking account or credit card.

Matching Gifts
Double your gift, not your cost. Maximize your charitable gift to DAGBR/Brighton by using the benefit offered by many employers. Does your company offer a matching program? Check to see if your employer will match your gift to the Dyslexic Association of Greater Baton Rouge (DAGBR). We are a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible and always greatly appreciated.

Young Alumni
Donation = Graduation Year (i.e: $20.23 for the class of 2023)

Every Gift Matters

  • The Annual Fund is our most valuable source of unrestricted philanthropic support.  Unrestricted support goes directly to the area of greatest need.
  • It has a direct impact on our students, faculty, and our mission.
  • It enables students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences to attend Brighton, regardless of their family's income level.
  • It supports everything on campus - from program enhancements, classroom improvements, and competitive salaries for dedicated faculty to general campus maintenance.


In addition to supporting Brighton's operations and academic efforts, the Annual Fund will support items including:

  • Two new math teachers for Math Therapy classes
  • Dell computers for Technical and Career track students
  • Gymnasium entrance and facilities renovations
  • Paragraphology training for Elementary and Middle School teachers
  • Professional Development for ongoing CALP and CALT endorsements
  • Campus safety training - ALICE - for administration